Saturday, August 16, 2014

Traumatic experience


Woah I'm so excited to blog because i went to see the stats of my blog and somehow the stats shot up hehehe and it's like not my own visit because there's like Android and Linux and Safari etc yay!

So anyway there's nothing much that happened today... I kinda find talking about my life on my blog will make other people "sian" cause firstly it's not about them and secondly it's not really interesting. :(

LOLOL anyway today i attempted to cook chicken soup and it turns out to be not bad! :D (no photos though) However I was sooooo shocked by the chicken because it's head was still intact. So during the whole chicken process i was like talking to the chicken like

"ehhhh, are you still alive???"

"i better get rid of your head so i feel better."


Lol but i know these are strange remarks since the chicken was not moving haha. BUT I'M STILL V SCARED because idk the head is still there.. kinda makes me feel like a murderer. :(

Then after I got rid of the head (yay to me) THE FEET APPEARED AND I CHUA TIO AGAIN.

Haha I should have snap photos of the process but I was too afraid to even look at the chicken, how to take photos? But I can proudly say that I am no longer scared of chicken head & feet since I removed them today. :)

Anyway I've been doing this 100 happy days thingy on instagram and its so hard I QUIT. lolol. That's because I always forget to do it at night and drag till the next morning which is like very frustrating la cause i can't keep track and stuff.

Also, it makes me feel like an attention seeker and spammer since my posts are usually quite long and it revolves around food (usually), oh and my phone camera sucks so i think they are not quite instagram worthy? :(

Something to add to my wishlist: NEW CAMERA SO I CAN CAMWHORE.

okay.. end of my random chicken experience post and i hope i can keep the stats going cuz it will keep me motivated ^_^

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