I was just trying out whether I could blog with the itouch. And yes! Wonderful..
went for band in the morning, it was pretty much exhausting, but I managed to survive through it :/ went for lunch with ziminh and lucas after band and nua-ed on my bed the moment I reached home. Haha.
Went to catch a movie with my Sis in the evening, the next three days. The story line was very awesome. Smart movie I shall say ;) and it was pretty touching too. Like, are you willing to sacrifice almost everything just fr your loved one? oh I'm catching Harry potter next Thursday with luminayan♥ hehe. Gonna be fun! And I so want to watch the chronicles of narnia so very badly. But I wonder who wants to watch with me. I think most people would find it boring, but it's not! I think king Peter(idk the real name, sorry) is very hot HEHEHEHE. Actually I have nothing much to say from the start. Just testing out the itouch. Hehe do I guess I shall blog with this in the future! I shall go and shower now!!!! (:
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