Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Day 7 - Your Ex
Hmm. I'm so glad we're friends now. Haha. :)
Everything just didn't seem to turn out right today, except for church, manage to finish the slides for camp next week. Thank God. (: Went back to Jam's house and went home late -.- Got scolded by my dearest mother on the phone and i even doubt i can be at the class bbq tomorrow. DAMN. but oh well, i'll try. Shall just sneak out and tell my mother i love her when i'm home.
Oh, and i got my itouch! it's awesome~ oh not really, my battery life's drained pretty fast, but oh well. i can always charge it. :D oh and!! i'm going to KL in another 3 days. Pretty excited. :)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Day 6 - A Stranger
I always wondered how i look like in a stranger's eye. I'm not all that shy, but i like to be alone most of the time unless i'm really friggin' bored or i need someone to talk to. And hello stranger, if you see me, how will you rate me? nice or weird? haha. i really want to look at myself in someone else's eyes. :(
On a side note, i am excited for what's gonna happen in the next few weeks. Hehe. School's reopening soon and i'm hella
If only..
Realise I haven't blogged in what seems like eternity. So, here's a proper post :) anyway went to church in the afternoon for combine fellowship with the kids. It was alright. Saw this cutie name jerlyn if I'm not wrong. Haha. She's extremely cute! But being with kids is a chore, now I realize. No wonder Joseph said so. He was slacking the whole time despite being the 'group' leader with me. Haha. this is dumb.
Anyway, supposed to meet jia ling but I was really late. I feel super bad about it :( anyway reached tjc at around 7+. It's a surprise almost the whole cornet section went. Super Pleased. So the concert was really awesome! The trumpets were like superb and I believe they trained very hard for it. :)
So... after the whole thing ended, went to mcdonald with kailun, jia ling, jia Wei and Clement. It was super fun! At first I bought a burger but I still felt hungry so went to buy an ice-cream with jiawei , haha. He was like laughing at my 'vanilla' pronounciation -.- and!!! Jia ling laughed till she cried! Haha, as usual :) I totally forgot what were laughing about but it was super funny. Hehehe. Oh and the vanilla cone was sick :( almost puked when I reached home .. Haha. Seriously felt sick after eating all the junk food. But! As jiawei said, just ignore me and I'll continue eating. So true ! Haha. But I'm not a glutton T.T
Anyway we were playing with the kinder joy toy. It was like super funny the way jw said it about fixing the toy. Haha. Went Home after that and realized Clement's house was very near mine! I live at 270 and he lives at 277 hahaha. So he walked me home and went home after that. Overall today was fun!! Did not regret going for it. And jw feels a bit like Alvin. Haha. Felt abit nostalgic. Omg this post is so long. And there's no pictures :( sorry readers! Though I know no one's reading! Hahaha.
Anyway, supposed to meet jia ling but I was really late. I feel super bad about it :( anyway reached tjc at around 7+. It's a surprise almost the whole cornet section went. Super Pleased. So the concert was really awesome! The trumpets were like superb and I believe they trained very hard for it. :)
So... after the whole thing ended, went to mcdonald with kailun, jia ling, jia Wei and Clement. It was super fun! At first I bought a burger but I still felt hungry so went to buy an ice-cream with jiawei , haha. He was like laughing at my 'vanilla' pronounciation -.- and!!! Jia ling laughed till she cried! Haha, as usual :) I totally forgot what were laughing about but it was super funny. Hehehe. Oh and the vanilla cone was sick :( almost puked when I reached home .. Haha. Seriously felt sick after eating all the junk food. But! As jiawei said, just ignore me and I'll continue eating. So true ! Haha. But I'm not a glutton T.T
Anyway we were playing with the kinder joy toy. It was like super funny the way jw said it about fixing the toy. Haha. Went Home after that and realized Clement's house was very near mine! I live at 270 and he lives at 277 hahaha. So he walked me home and went home after that. Overall today was fun!! Did not regret going for it. And jw feels a bit like Alvin. Haha. Felt abit nostalgic. Omg this post is so long. And there's no pictures :( sorry readers! Though I know no one's reading! Hahaha.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Day 5 - Your dreams
I have a dream, my dream is to be a preacher cum musician~ wheeee, so cool right. ^^ i'm working slowly towards you. the harder you let me reach, the more i'll try, that's my motivation to reach my dream. :)
Oh, and if dreams meant dreammmmmms, i hope that strange dream i had last night don't come true. :$
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Day 4 - Your siblings
Friday, December 3, 2010
Day 3 - Your parents
I just want to say, mommy i love you! :)
On a side note, i want my hair to grow faster! because i hate the length now. :x any recommendations? :>
On a side note, i want my hair to grow faster! because i hate the length now. :x any recommendations? :>
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 2 - Your crush
i pathetically have no crush after my last r'ship. :( and even if i have i won't say it out here so openly hahaha. Perhaps i have 1, just 1. but im not too sure about my feelings too. and you look like you've got the girl of your dream already :/
dear you, your cute, stop calling me fat, i don't know if i like you anot but you'll be my next best choice if i really need to have a crush. Stop being so mean to me fatty :)
dear you, your cute, stop calling me fat, i don't know if i like you anot but you'll be my next best choice if i really need to have a crush. Stop being so mean to me fatty :)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Day 1 - Your Best Friend
Friday, November 26, 2010
I was just trying out whether I could blog with the itouch. And yes! Wonderful..
went for band in the morning, it was pretty much exhausting, but I managed to survive through it :/ went for lunch with ziminh and lucas after band and nua-ed on my bed the moment I reached home. Haha.
Went to catch a movie with my Sis in the evening, the next three days. The story line was very awesome. Smart movie I shall say ;) and it was pretty touching too. Like, are you willing to sacrifice almost everything just fr your loved one? oh I'm catching Harry potter next Thursday with luminayan♥ hehe. Gonna be fun! And I so want to watch the chronicles of narnia so very badly. But I wonder who wants to watch with me. I think most people would find it boring, but it's not! I think king Peter(idk the real name, sorry) is very hot HEHEHEHE. Actually I have nothing much to say from the start. Just testing out the itouch. Hehe do I guess I shall blog with this in the future! I shall go and shower now!!!! (:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I have to start planning my holidays properly and stop wasting my life away! -bangs keyboard- Anyway, watching movie later with my sis, the next 3 days. :D I have lots of homework to complete and I have yet to touch any because.. uh no textbooks yet T.T Oh and i have to squeeze time into my "busy" schedule to practice my instrument. (Actually i'm seriously lazy and there are too many entertainments at home for me not to practice my instrument. yeah. :/)
So ya. I got my posting results for next year's class and I got into 3/7! Yes. Initially I wanted to appeal to 3/8 but last minute changed my mind, thank God if not I might become a nerd. :/ oh, and did i mention that i am in love with this.
I want to watch Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia!! :D
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I don't have much to say, I'm rather hungry, and perhaps i'm still feeling stress over the results, but i must yield myself to God! yes, that's the way. :) Helped natalie and lucas to settle some problems.. Hopefully my help worked? We never know, because we're not the one that's in a relationship. Now that exams are over, i can't help but to think of what to do all the time, there isn't anymore need to study all the way until next year, and I guess we'll all be very relaxed in school, apart from chinese as we're learning Gong Han. Oh yeah, Sunlaoshi, my condolences to your lost.
Post exams activities! i guess i'll just rot at home, sadly, retardedly. Haha.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Went for a picnic with YF yesterday! It was rather fun, i went to henry's house in the morning to cook cheese bake rice. Partly for the picnic, partly for my practical exam tomorrow too. Anyway, my cousin came to my house this afternoon, so right after i got home from church, i became her "barbie doll". Heard she took up some make up course and she needs 38 models, so yeah, i had much fun! Except when she plucked out my eyebrow, it hurts very much.
I've moved on already, have you?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Its wednesday morning and i'm all alone sitting here thinking about you.
Went to rot at home yesterday, kept using the computer and then studied science. I am too proud of myself, finish copying 4 chapters of science, the ones that i didn't listen to in class. I can't help but listen to songs that are rather emotional, maybe that reflects my life. I think, i feel very empty inside, i don't know why. Sometimes i think to myself, if you're still here, how would it have been? Are we really.. really over? i know in my previous post, i said that after that, i will move on, but that was what i said last month too, everyday, i tell myself to move on, but its way too hard, way too difficult. Everything feels empty now, maybe i should mend my broken heart slowly, but i really. can't. help. but. miss. you. so. terribly.
I know you will never see this anymore, but I just wanna say, you've been really good. I saw what i wrote on my foolscap yesterday about you. I remember those times when you would send me home despite the risk of being late, and you would call me to comfort me, and make sure i'm happy before i sleep. But was that all... just a lie? i choose not to believe it, because those were the best memories of you, i will not tear it away just like this. I will keep the best side of you in my heart, and throw away those side where you made me cry so miserably, I will keep you in my heart forever, because you're just the best i ever had.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Okay, I'm back to blogger, feels a little new towards this, but who cares. Anyway, I should be coming back to blog regularly, since there ain't much people I can share my feelings with. Today marks the end of term 3, how time flies, it is going to be 2011 real soon.
Should I share my heartfelt feeling about this year? Seriously, this year, I've learnt a lot, from people around me, from God, from every little things that I took for granted, from you ♥ I've learnt that, we must cherish things and never, ever take things for granted, never wait till the "right time" because by then your chance would have been gone already. I've learnt that, we must accept people for who they are because sometimes these are just human nature, no point pin pointing on other's flaws because you're not perfect yourself. I've also learnt that, people that are around you when you need them the most, are those that will be around you no matter what.
Band was fine today, Mr Goh was being funny for saying "Faster lah, just sign la". Because we were trying our best to hide from him while writing the teachers' day card and he just let the cat out of the bag like that, we practically laughed our ass off when he said that, funny indeed. Well, I feel a need to add songs to my blog, if not, it will be boring and then it will just die. And also pictures, but where do I find them? hmmmm..
Oh well, I guess sometimes we just have to move on with life, even though the person you wish to be around with right now is not with you, just continue living. Enjoy every second, because once it's gone, it's gone. I'll keep my memories with you in my heart, sscp, now I really have to let you go and move on, because this is life. Hopefully, I'll be in your memories forever, ♥
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Being single means that you have the authority to talk to any guys you like. Being single means that you don't have to be worried about anyone's feeling. Being single means that you can lean on anybody you wish to, no matter guy or girl. Being single means that you can ogle at hot guys/gals and start crushing on them. Being single means you don't have to be jealous over anybody. Being single means you can have all the time for your friends, and for those who care about you. Being single means that you won't have any disappointment when a new text message is received and it's not from him/her. Being single means that you don't have to groom yourself so perfectly for your special one. Being single means you won't have the disappointment and sorrows when he cannot fetch you home/pei you/go out with you/call you/text you. Being single means that you don't have to text him all the time when you're home. Being single means that he cannot come into your life and turn it upside down. Most importantly, being single means that no one can ever penetrates through your heart, plays with it, breaks it, and leave you shattered alone there.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Its been 7 days..
i don't know why, but i miss you a lot, friend. i know i shouldn't be, but i really have no idea why i miss you. Sometimes, i can't help but go to your profile, and see what new things you have, whether you still talk about me, whether you still remember me.. i know you're quite temperamental sometimes but why does this happen, i mean, we were so close like just 5 days before, and then everything changed. Sherman told me i shouldn't care, but i really can't, all the time in band, i feel that i should talk to you, but i already made up my mind, i really cannot take this. its like, sometimes, memories of us just flash back, it just hurts so much to lose you, i remember the first time, i ask you about your hair, then i don't know how we can suddenly become so close, and just 4 months later, everything is back to the beginning. i have so much to say, i have so much i want to tell you, but i don't know if you ever want to talk to me again, i really don't know, i miss you...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
It has been a long time since I last updated.
So many things happened but I guess they are not fatal.
I got back my results, some were better than expected,
and some, it was such a let down.
But i shall learn from it, yeah?
The band is going for a competition in 4 months time.
And I'm still struggling to finish Monmouth Overture,
desperately trying to play the very first page of Novena.
Is this life? Its like just a routine everyday.
A dumb routine i have to keep up with in order to live.
I'm sick and tired of this unfulfilling routine.
I hope surprises comes by, like what Kah Onn said.
And i'm missing you every second, everyday..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hello. Tiring life, not exactly stress, just tiring..
i got a feeling i let down spencer for ytd's common test.
i guess its all right, i was really stress.
Anyway Sherman gave me a plastic heart today.
guess he was trying to test his skills! haha. not bad.
i shall give him 2 tomorrow!
had alot of fun with lucas and zm today, i think.
Haha, kept stealing his waterbottle.
Thus resulting in his unability to go for lunch.
Sorry lucas... N-O-T.
I hope tomorow will be a better day.
Thank God everyday :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hello. Yesterday was common test and band.
Common test was ok, band was as usual i guess.
Monmouth overture is a torture.
Nisaa and me cannot reach high notes yesterday.
Bar 97 is a killer, that point me and Nisaa always stop.
Mr Goh always stop because of our section.
Then Nisaa always say, "you are alone."
Oh my goodness, thats damn sad ok.
I told Nisaa "i think i got stage fright, i can't play alone"
Let alone the melody in first cornet lah.
But, i'll practice hard, i'll practice hard.
Cannot let down my seniors, especially my section seniors.
This year's sec 1 all look very motivated. great.
Will be going for steamboat dinner later with yf.
Hopefully it will be enjoyable and fun.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Haha. hello. I love my mummy.
Today was a very tiring day.
Woke up at 8 in the morning and went visiting.
Met sab, von, shannon and minh @ 0240.
Headed to sab's house in elias road.
Left and went to minh's house.
Played poker cards but it wasn't gambling.
Sab, shannon and von headed to xls's house.
I went home while they cabbed to punggol.
Cousin and cousin in law came visiting.
Was a little weird in the beginning but then its ok.
I'm kinda missing school and i hope they won't laugh at my hair.
Shall go and sms Cherylove now. -haha-
The kind of satisfying emotional conundrums that we wonder about.
Its so beautiful it makes you wanna cry.
Hello. i am so totally in love with J.Picoult's vanishing act.
It sets one's mind into thinking, like mine.
i was browsing through some pictures of interior designs.
Some of it is really loved by me.
And i will be in love with the person who will give it to me.
Regardless a male of a female.
i guess i'll create a blog specially for my pictures.
So stay tuned! hahaha. Anyway,
i was on the MassRapidTransport just now.
There was this Indian man who consistently stared at me.
i felt like digging out his eyeball.
How gave me traumas every now and then.
i guess i'll be paranoid to sit the MRT alone.
But, oh well, God is always with me.
Thank you Daddy, i love you :)
Hello. i am so totally in love with J.Picoult's vanishing act.
It sets one's mind into thinking, like mine.
i was browsing through some pictures of interior designs.
Some of it is really loved by me.
And i will be in love with the person who will give it to me.
Regardless a male of a female.
i guess i'll create a blog specially for my pictures.
So stay tuned! hahaha. Anyway,
i was on the MassRapidTransport just now.
There was this Indian man who consistently stared at me.
i felt like digging out his eyeball.
How gave me traumas every now and then.
i guess i'll be paranoid to sit the MRT alone.
But, oh well, God is always with me.
Thank you Daddy, i love you :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Ready for those flashing lights.
Chase you down until you love me.
Hello. I went to cut my hair today. Concave bob.
Only told Nisa and ZiMinh about it. hehex.
I'm afraid people will laugh out loud at my hair.
I shall get use to it. I'm not sure how I look.
Well, I think I like the song paparazzi.
Being random is my hobby I guess..
Oh wait, I jut painted my nails. Gold color, hahaz.
Its kinda awesome, chinese new year.
The show Valentines day is boring \m/
I slept on Cheryl's shoulder yesterday during the movie.
Hahaz, Cherylove so cute, i like her alot.
Gotta buy a daily planner asap. ^^
Hello. I went to cut my hair today. Concave bob.
Only told Nisa and ZiMinh about it. hehex.
I'm afraid people will laugh out loud at my hair.
I shall get use to it. I'm not sure how I look.
Well, I think I like the song paparazzi.
Being random is my hobby I guess..
Oh wait, I jut painted my nails. Gold color, hahaz.
Its kinda awesome, chinese new year.
The show Valentines day is boring \m/
I slept on Cheryl's shoulder yesterday during the movie.
Hahaz, Cherylove so cute, i like her alot.
Gotta buy a daily planner asap. ^^
Thursday, February 11, 2010
we live and we learn.
Hello. school was quite fun today. haha.
Especially during english, the class went crazy.
After school went to eat mac with clique \w/
Laughed non stop, hehex.
Wanted to do my worksheet.
At first didn't know how to use the sketchup.
So smsed Idris asked him to teach me.
But he also not doing leh.
Then sian loh so don't do also.
He still say maybe he will do if he feel like.
Tomorrow gonna watch movie with
ZiMinh, Shevon, Sabrina and Cheryl.
Hope it will be fun, hehex. ^^
Hello. school was quite fun today. haha.
Especially during english, the class went crazy.
After school went to eat mac with clique \w/
Laughed non stop, hehex.
Wanted to do my worksheet.
At first didn't know how to use the sketchup.
So smsed Idris asked him to teach me.
But he also not doing leh.
Then sian loh so don't do also.
He still say maybe he will do if he feel like.
Tomorrow gonna watch movie with
ZiMinh, Shevon, Sabrina and Cheryl.
Hope it will be fun, hehex. ^^
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
no matter how hard it will be, i'll be fine without you.
Hello. Band was fun yesterday. Band is always fun.
Bobby is so cute omgzxcsz, so is MATTHEW! haha.
Matthew is like the cutest boy i've ever seen!
School was alright today, well i guess.
In class, donty was so cute, but never really talk to him.
Was kinda busy with my own stuffs i guess.
Argh, damn it, i really want my old sit back :(
I hate my seat now lah, arghhhh!
Alright alright, get a hold of yourself Xena.
I guess i'll ask God about it.
Maybe I'll switch place with Jamie for my results
Not insulting Jamie though.
Bought a new bag, dress &... hahaha
Love the new bag man \w/
Bobby is so cute omgzxcsz, so is MATTHEW! haha.
Matthew is like the cutest boy i've ever seen!
School was alright today, well i guess.
In class, donty was so cute, but never really talk to him.
Was kinda busy with my own stuffs i guess.
Argh, damn it, i really want my old sit back :(
I hate my seat now lah, arghhhh!
Alright alright, get a hold of yourself Xena.
I guess i'll ask God about it.
Maybe I'll switch place with Jamie for my results
Not insulting Jamie though.
Bought a new bag, dress &... hahaha
Love the new bag man \w/
Sunday, February 7, 2010
i've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
Hello. Sorry for my emo post yesterday -shy-
Suppose to perform for qnps band but I'm sick :(
Its been five days already.
Oh wait, its CNY in another 7 days :D
I haven't do alot of things yet.
Kind of can't wait for new year.
Anyway my phone is dying again.
The call and right key button can't work.
But not as bad as last time i guess.
Anyway school had been a little slack recently.
Due to the fact that the virus attacked the poor teachers.
We had lots of relief periods.
And during P.E. we played badminton!
It was AWESOME. I wanna play again.
Anybody want to go with me? pretty please.... ;D
Before saying good bye -waves-,
i almost died while playing basketball yesterday.
Suppose to perform for qnps band but I'm sick :(
Its been five days already.
Oh wait, its CNY in another 7 days :D
I haven't do alot of things yet.
Kind of can't wait for new year.
Anyway my phone is dying again.
The call and right key button can't work.
But not as bad as last time i guess.
Anyway school had been a little slack recently.
Due to the fact that the virus attacked the poor teachers.
We had lots of relief periods.
And during P.E. we played badminton!
It was AWESOME. I wanna play again.
Anybody want to go with me? pretty please.... ;D
Before saying good bye -waves-,
i almost died while playing basketball yesterday.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
All the fun we had, will be gone soon.
Hello. I'm still sick since tuesday. GREAT. ;o
Ate my medicine and hope I don't feel drowsy later.
Band was kinda fun yesterday. With Nisaa and Nazir.
We were talking about me screaming over a bird o.o
Just read my previous posts.
I realised the past was so fun.
Especially with Alvin... Oh my i miss him.
Its like, all the times I had fun in band, all given by him.
And when he was gone, it was Nazir.
But soon, Nazir's gonna leave too.
Why does time pass so quickly & sudden?
I still remember the past Alvin treated me so nicely.
And we were always laughing over random jokes.
Now it is Nazir who treat me nice and make me laugh.
I guess I was close to Alvin because we played the same part.
But too bad he was Sec 5, i wished he was Sec 2.
I seriously miss Alvin, and I'm gonna miss Nazir too.
I miss Joleen and ShihChing too, and I'm gonna miss Nisaa.
They are what made the cornet section so so so fun.
I remembered last time before SYF,
we always had so much fun as a section.
But now, one by one they are leaving.
Who's gonna heal my lonely heart? :(
I guess like what Nazir said,
I'm gonna have fun with my juniors.
Just like the fun they gave me.
Ate my medicine and hope I don't feel drowsy later.
Band was kinda fun yesterday. With Nisaa and Nazir.
We were talking about me screaming over a bird o.o
Just read my previous posts.
I realised the past was so fun.
Especially with Alvin... Oh my i miss him.
Its like, all the times I had fun in band, all given by him.
And when he was gone, it was Nazir.
But soon, Nazir's gonna leave too.
Why does time pass so quickly & sudden?
I still remember the past Alvin treated me so nicely.
And we were always laughing over random jokes.
Now it is Nazir who treat me nice and make me laugh.
I guess I was close to Alvin because we played the same part.
But too bad he was Sec 5, i wished he was Sec 2.
I seriously miss Alvin, and I'm gonna miss Nazir too.
I miss Joleen and ShihChing too, and I'm gonna miss Nisaa.
They are what made the cornet section so so so fun.
I remembered last time before SYF,
we always had so much fun as a section.
But now, one by one they are leaving.
Who's gonna heal my lonely heart? :(
I guess like what Nazir said,
I'm gonna have fun with my juniors.
Just like the fun they gave me.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Things turned out the right way.
Hello. I think I should update this everyday
so when I'm old I can read and laugh at it. HAHA.
Thank God tomorrow is friday, band again! :D
Haha, a fun day today, especially DNT.
I was irritating the shit out of Idris.
Or rather, the other way round I suppose.
Haha, Idris is so cute. -ahems-
I miss disturbing him everyday in class.
Then Mr Ng was doing a survey on pencil cases.
I was the spokesman for MYUK!
Idris's pencil case so cute loh, Mr Ng kept commenting.
See Idris, since last year i've been telling you already.
Jessica is so hot and sexy but you still won't admit it.
Hahahah after school my brother was damn nice.
He gave me the instant noodle that he was going to eat.
I love this brother of mine.
(even though sometimes he can be irritating)
so when I'm old I can read and laugh at it. HAHA.
Thank God tomorrow is friday, band again! :D
Haha, a fun day today, especially DNT.
I was irritating the shit out of Idris.
Or rather, the other way round I suppose.
Haha, Idris is so cute. -ahems-
I miss disturbing him everyday in class.
Then Mr Ng was doing a survey on pencil cases.
I was the spokesman for MYUK!
Idris's pencil case so cute loh, Mr Ng kept commenting.
See Idris, since last year i've been telling you already.
Jessica is so hot and sexy but you still won't admit it.
Hahahah after school my brother was damn nice.
He gave me the instant noodle that he was going to eat.
I love this brother of mine.
(even though sometimes he can be irritating)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
hi. :D been a long time since i last updated yeah?
Just came back from camp. arghh. haha.
overall the day was kind of fun, everyone bonded and everything (:
the night.. hmmm, thats another question.
we got the best class award! hehehehe.
so when we were going home, i was like sitting at the back with all of them.
then got the toffee mah, the girls wanted to pass from the back.
then is like they pass here already
ziquan: let me eat finish first, later i give you all
then the girls keep shouting "take one! take one!"
so yeah fine loh they took one.
then is like when reach there then no more already.
the girls blame them say why they eat so many.
but only have a bit of toffee inside leh.
then claira shouted
"you all want to eat, still eat so many, eat so many still throw wrapper inside"
then all the boys show their wrappers LOL. cute lah
then haziq damn pekcek, hahaha.
thenthen i was fixing my retarded bag.
then daniel see me fix so xinku then offered to help.
so ummm i just look at one angle to see how he is doing my bag
then daniel see me fix so xinku then offered to help.
so ummm i just look at one angle to see how he is doing my bag
behind there was idris.
idris: eh xena, why you staring at daniel.
me: what the heck, im not even looking at him.
a few minutes later, i was ummm getting closer to daniel i admit, abit only
idris: eh xena, why are you so close(must he emphasize this) to daniel.
me: SO CLOSE? o.O
then ziquan & rajeev was talking bout some white and black.
hahahah it was funny lah.
then dinesh's sleeping bag.. ummm one part was coming out
me: dinesh, can u push that in? it looks damn wrong.
dinesh: what is so wrong about it?
me: don't know, it just look damn wrong.
idris: aiyo xena thinking sick ah.
everybody: oh xena.....
me: oh shut up....
then after that nabil keep disturbing me loh.
nabil: eh daniel sleeping so comfortable cause xena beside him.
then he damn bad sia
nabil: he in lalaland destroying all the plants.
then ziquan and daniel had some commotion or smth.
haha say what if don't do what then must strip
then aft that daniel say he rather strip but what is strip.
then they started saying what birthday suit
what the suit you go and bathe with.
then after that daniel sleeping mah.
so i just look outside the window.
idris: oh xena, why you look at daniel.
me: idris... you're so observant -pause awhile- of me :D
idris: i from here cannot see anything, your hands can be anywhere.
me: what the hell.
so after that we did our own things.
nabil: eh xena, you the warrior princess ah, the one who got one breast cut off, no offence no offence.
-starts imitating arrows going in-
then everybody started laughing.
me: o.O ... -looking at my hands-
nabil: -go down and look at my face- eh don't bully her ah, later she cry.
me: ...
nabil: serious serious, don't cry.
then after awhile..
me: idris! take out your specs :D
nabil: eh later he take out his specs then you will go "idris so hot! idris so hot!"
idris: nonononono -starts giggling-
then idris very cute loh, keep saying
"rajeev, can you sleep properly"
"you're worse than my little brother"
like really very cute leh.
then after that is like they wanted to go down the bus.
then they don't want to wake rajeev up.
nabil: later he wake up you see his face.
idris: shh shh, don't wake him up.
me: what the, walau damn bad sia.
hahah, i didn't expect the boys to be so noisy and funny lah :D
especially ziquan & nabil, i thought they never talk one.
especially ziquan & nabil, i thought they never talk one.
but nabil ended up talking for the whole bus journey.
idris also keep disturbing me one loh.
&& now i know how irritating the girls in my class is.
i'll try my best not to be as irritating as them.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Another busy week just passed. haha. not really :/
But how many people actually cherish every moment they have..
Nowadays I have been thinking.
am i true to my feelings?
am i true to him?
the answer is yes :)
I love you. haha (:
Anyway, went back to QNPS band just now.
I see really big improvements in their playing and attitude.
Unlike 2 years ago, when everything was hectic.
They really are improving and going up, all of them.
I feel so proud of them, they are independent :)
But having said so I am still asking myself,
am i improving like my dear juniors?
Have i asked more for myself & stop judging others?
i guess it is no.
But I am still trying my best..
Give me some time.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
In new year, do we have greater faith, greater love and greater grace?
2. In God's church(ourselves), is the Holy Spirit still there, is God's glory still in us?
Are we living like a Christian?
Is our church growing or not?
Is it improving or deproving?
We see our church, ourselves, are we crying for days?
Those that repend and ask God for forgiveness, God will forgive.
3. We have knowledge, we don't act it.
-> We have faith, we don't have actions.
-> Love God, love people.
-> Judge ourselves, not others.
-> God gave us, what did we do?
-> Reflect the first time we accepted Christ.
-> Did we bother about our spirtual lives?
4. God is a rightful judge, you sin, he judge.
you have faith, love and hope, he rewards.
When you love him, he loves you.
When you love him, he is always with you.
When you sin, he scatters you.
When you repent, he gathers you back.
5. Nehemiah 1:10
Who are we? A live that God(Jesus) sacrificed for us.
God put his glory down, FOR US
Born as a human, mocked, led a poor life.
Did we live and grow like the way we have to?
God listen to Nehemiah's prayer.
And God gave Nehemiah everything he needed.
6. When you are willing to repent, with actions, God helps you.
Nehemiah 2:20 - We don't take good care of our body.
We sin, we have weeds in our hearts, SATAN LAUGHS.
Its not that we don't have holy spirit,
its that the holy spirit CANNOT be with our sinful hearts.
God's love is forever, God's judgement is rightful,
every bad thing ends, God's love is still there.
7. If we are willing to bother about our spiritual life,
God will give everything to us, God will be with us.
We need to live for God, we need to change ourselves,
only then can we change the church,
then we can change the world,
from ourselves therefore we influence others.
Monday, January 4, 2010
super boring :/
was suppose to sit at the side there and then can sms.
but sacrificed for lucas and sat infront. -.-
but since he also cannot sms, so nvm.
can talk, cannot sms, exchange oh?
science teacher, demanding, english teacher, friendly.
so i've been sitting with lucas the whole day and totally talking about craps, pointless and super no link with the subject stuffs.
we were laughing over the science teacher. hahahaha.
then after went home, went to meet bb.
Awesome ~
i love you. ♥
Friday, January 1, 2010
BOLD anything true
I’m loud.
I’m obnoxious.
I’m sarcastic.
I’m cocky.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
For the most part, I don’t like people.
I’m easy to get along with.
I like to fight.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked.
I’ve smoked weed.
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5.
I wear makeup
I wear a piece of jewlery at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I’ve had braces.
I have braces.
I change my hair color often.
I straighten my hair often.
My ears are pierced.
I have small feet.
I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
An ex has physically abused me at least once.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe lust is more important than love.
I have a best friend.
I have at least ten friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been on a train.
I’ve left the state/province.
Someone close to me has died.
I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.
I’ve taken a school bus.
I’ve gone bungee jumping.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I’ve won an award.
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
I’ve been in a physical fight.
I listen to country.
I listen to pop.
I listen to techno.
I listen to rock.
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
I hate the radio.
I download music.
I buy CD’s.
I spend at least six hours a day watching television.
I watch soap operas daily.
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
I’ve seen and like The OC.
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill.
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model.
I’ve seen and like Popular.
I’ve seen and like House.
I’ve seen and like 24.
I’ve seen and like CSI.
I’ve seen and like Everwood.
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents.
My biological parents are still together.
I have at least one brother.
I have at least one sister.
I have at least one step brother/sister.
I have at least one half brother/sister.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I’ve ran away from my home.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out.
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded.
I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde.
I’ve had black.
I’ve been red.
I’ve been light brown.
I’ve been medium brown.
I’ve been brown.
I’ve had streaks.
I’ve had purple/pink.
I’ve been blue/green.
I’ve gotten my hair thinned.
I use conditioner.
I’ve used silk therapy.
I’ve used hot oil treatments.
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.
I’ve ironed my hair.
I’ve braided my hair.
I’ve had/want dreadlocks.
I’ve thrown something at a teacher.
I’ve yelled at a teacher.
I’ve been suspended.
I’ve had an in-school suspension.
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office.
I’ve walked out of class.
I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
I’ve failed a test.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
I’ve failed Art.
I’ve failed P.E.
I’ve failed Math.
I’ve failed Science.
I’ve failed another class.
A teacher has called my parents.
I’ve been caught skipping.
I’ve been on the honor roll.
I’ve been on effort honor roll.
I’m loud.
I’m obnoxious.
I’m sarcastic.
I’m cocky.
I cry easily.
I have a bad temper.
For the most part, I don’t like people.
I’m easy to get along with.
I like to fight.
I have more enemies than friends.
I’ve smoked.
I’ve smoked weed.
I drink coffee.
I clean my room daily.
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5.
I wear makeup
I wear a piece of jewlery at all times.
I wear contacts.
I wear glasses.
I’ve had braces.
I have braces.
I change my hair color often.
I straighten my hair often.
My ears are pierced.
I have small feet.
I’m in a relationship now.
I’m single.
I’m crushin’.
I’ve missed an ex before.
I’m always scared of being hurt.
An ex has physically abused me at least once.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve been in love more than two times.
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe lust is more important than love.
I have a best friend.
I have at least ten friends.
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
I’ve beaten up a friend.
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
I can trust at least five people with my life.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been on a train.
I’ve left the state/province.
Someone close to me has died.
I’ve taken a taxi.
I’ve taken a city bus.
I’ve taken a school bus.
I’ve gone bungee jumping.
I’ve made a speech.
I’ve been in some sort of club.
I’ve won an award.
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
I’ve been in a physical fight.
I listen to country.
I listen to pop.
I listen to techno.
I listen to rock.
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it.
I hate the radio.
I download music.
I buy CD’s.
I spend at least six hours a day watching television.
I watch soap operas daily.
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives.
I’ve seen and like The OC.
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill.
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model.
I’ve seen and like Popular.
I’ve seen and like House.
I’ve seen and like 24.
I’ve seen and like CSI.
I’ve seen and like Everwood.
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents.
My biological parents are still together.
I have at least one brother.
I have at least one sister.
I have at least one step brother/sister.
I have at least one half brother/sister.
I’ve been kicked out of the house.
I’ve ran away from my home.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve made my parents cry.
I’ve lied to my parents.
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out.
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded.
I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
I’ve been blonde.
I’ve had black.
I’ve been red.
I’ve been light brown.
I’ve been medium brown.
I’ve been brown.
I’ve had streaks.
I’ve had purple/pink.
I’ve been blue/green.
I’ve gotten my hair thinned.
I use conditioner.
I’ve used silk therapy.
I’ve used hot oil treatments.
I’ve curled my hair.
I’ve straightened my hair.
I’ve ironed my hair.
I’ve braided my hair.
I’ve had/want dreadlocks.
I’ve thrown something at a teacher.
I’ve yelled at a teacher.
I’ve been suspended.
I’ve had an in-school suspension.
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office.
I’ve walked out of class.
I’ve skipped an entire day of school.
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
I’ve failed a test.
I’ve cheated on a test.
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
I’ve failed Art.
I’ve failed P.E.
I’ve failed Math.
I’ve failed Science.
I’ve failed another class.
A teacher has called my parents.
I’ve been caught skipping.
I’ve been on the honor roll.
I’ve been on effort honor roll.
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