Ziminh, also known as my best friend.
she blan me alot of things today leh, much loves.

Ryan. hehe, Father and Daughter loves :)
He look very gong in this photo. still prefer his ezlink o.o

Lucas, o.o, thanks ryan for the calefare behind, much appreciated :p
And this is like finally a proper shot before lucas snatch my phone and delete photos away.

Megan, she damn pretty in this photo.
Oh, and the all pink her today. Still look good, no worries.

WAIXIN! i think the photo is in her phone. She Sexy right? ;P
Taken on vesak day replenish o.o

Ainslyn, yes i love her alot.
(she did not want to take photo today.)
On the ferris wheel , tuesday 12 May 09.

Adora, limelight of the day o.o
And bestfriend, thanks for all your love.

Jia An, Loveee !
She is always there when I need worh o.o
She is always there when I need worh o.o
Today is FRIDAY anyway, you know what I mean.

Jodie, pretty pretty :D
Yes, she is pretty today, and everyday (:
Today went to watch movie with
Ziminh, Adora, Lucas, Ryan, Ainslyn, Jodie, Sarah, Jia An, Rajeev, KaiJie, Hazimah, WaiXin and ShiNing.
Ate Pastamania, Watched movie, the uninvited.
Halfway through the movie, grab lucas don't know where.
Then suddenly grab the arm ._.
K, Then got this scary part, i scared until almost cry.
Then the last part, cannot tahan, me and ziminh was like clutching lucas hand o.o
Cause the last part is like the most exciting part.
I think Lucas and Ryan not scared of the movie, but ziminh's screaming o.o
Ziminh good lor, 2man beside for her to scream and hold.
Then is like abit awkward, hold lucas hand until like that.
After that camwhore abit then hsh with lucas and ziminh (:
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