Sunday, May 31, 2009
Went to church today, I did had fun.
So many bang-head-on-wall-can-die homework.
Don't feel like doing worh, no, i'm a good girl.
Got band practices every week,
Need go back qiaonan, help in band, shytzxs. ):
Really hope I can finish my homework fast.
1. Science (2worksheets).
2. Maths (2worksheets).
3. English (Comprehension worksheet &Project).
4. Chinese (Comprehension worksheet & Project).
5. History (1worksheet).
6. Geography (1worksheet).
7. DNT (1worksheet).
8. Art (1worksheet).
9. Literature (1worksheet).
Oh my tians, i don't want :o
Thanks teachers, for give us no holidays.
Anyway, shall end off my post with a poem before I go to sleep.
A poem by Alyssa Royce
Music gives you a feeling
That is beyond words or comprehension
With music you can relax
Without stress, Without tension.
This is the spell of music
Cast on people everywhere
Music captures hearts, stretching
From here to far away there...
And I agree to it, music captured my heart.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Today is last day of school, wo hen happy, haha. Late for school lah, then must run around 3 rounds around parade square, wtf. English, watched some boring show, yup. chinese, I forgot what we did then after tht recess liao, lols. Recess, went with minh and thn later we finally made friends with En Han. Also got the Marcus, Lol, he walking with Benyio and sean(?) i think. Minh was like, "hello, can I make friends with you?" I guess I repeated what she said. Marcus give a firm " no " then we follow awhile jiu went back tower, say we suck up to him, he can go bang down by car. (: lol, 1/7 all the weirdweird ppl, no offence. Then must clean classroom, before that dehydrated myself at the parade square there. Look behind got more wind, haha, then look look look, adora kept asking what i looking siol. ok, so went back class, clean clean, had fun slamming the towel with minh and hazimah at the back. Slacked awhile then miss rubiyah ask the thing about sarah and rajeev. Idk wht happened la, cause i'm not in the situation mah. ok, so after tht suppose have detention, then minh and me go find mr singh. mr singh say i no need detention, lol, happy. went shining's house, had fun. Bored at the same time, k, gotta go watch my show ler, byebye (:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hello Hello .
Guess my cousin is obsess with Word Challenge on Facebook.
I'm obsess with Bejeweled :D
Facebook rock my socks.
Anyway, today went to DTE and then met the ppl.
Lots of ppl didn't turn up , sad ):
YY promise to lend me her DS tomorrow , 3 cheers for her .
Hongying invited her brother and cousin to come .
Went to the Arcade , Saw many ppl.
RachelW, ShannonS, MarcusC, BenedictL.
Lol, abit shock but, today is saturday hehe.
So aft hsh , now here I am using cuiting jiejie's laptop , haha (:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hazimah , its not your fault , probably not ykw's fault too .
None of your problems okay , And don't hate anyone for anyone .
Not worth it , understand ? Not lecturing or what .
Don't think of commiting suicide for anyone , not worth it too .
Today after school , went to KFC with , Adora , Ziminh , Lucas & Ryan .
Not mentioning others , didn't really talk to them .
On the way , was clinging onto Ryan's bag like a koala bear :D
Then at KFC there damn hyper seyhs , saw Jasmine siewhan and jocelyn bay (:
Good for me , knew a new friend today , wan qing , haha .
After that , I don't know what hazimah did , just heard them talk at the tower there .
Aft go iMac room , hyper and fun , stretchable faces .
Then went for band , bored , played 1st cornet cause nazir absent .
Went to the mini mart with Ziminh , Lucas , Nixon and Kailun .
Very fun , haha , lucas retarded , kept imitating me , usign the exaggerating way .
After tht on the bus talk to Nixon awhile , then hsh (:
Lights , Camera , Action !
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Just did a quiz .
Click Here to view it
I'm Practically bored .
I'm super disappointed with my result .
But who cares ,
I want band so badly , really badly .
I want my seniors so badly , really .
Sorry I sound so emo here .
Just thought of names for DonavanG and SpencerN.
DonavanGohAndDie ; SpencerNahGiveYou .
Sorry I'm being childish here .
Okay (: Got to Go now , Bye .
Suddenly , I realised you're my love .
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Story of love Nazir .

Cassandra ♥ and me .
Today took back all the papers , disappointed with my results .
Don't care , I'm gonna die when I'm 16 years . :D
After school , went eat lunch with the usual people , laughed alot .
Went for band , weets , spring clean , Nazir kept laughing at me , idk why .
And I kept laughing at him too , and Sebrina o.o i shall not mention anyth .
Nazir passed A maths and Sebrina failed A maths so he was kind of boasting .
So got this part when sorting out the scores , i don't get wth Nazir was talking .
Nazir : Eh Eh , this this this , that that that , okay ?
Me : No , I don't understand * blurs * .
Nazir : Aiya , I from 3/9 , you from that 1/5 , got big gap .
Me : fine luh fine luh , you do lor .
Nazir : ok ok , 1/5 very good , okay ?
then got this next part .
Nazir : * Want pass me file , but hand too short *
Eh Xena , come and take .
Me : Eh , you put yourself la , you from 3/9 leh .
Nazir : oh ya hor , okay la , sorry , come help me put can , * giggles * .
Yeah , not that funny , i don't understand why we're laughing also.
After that hsh with ziminh and hazimah (:
I love them ♥.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, went to BK to wait for the others.
Due to rain, then went to the boardgame room there.
Played taboo game, quite fun, yup.
After that hsh with lixue cause others have meeting.
Yesterday, very early go church, yes I had fun.
The song were mixed up and I didn't know what was what.
Thank God he guided me through the slides.
Bible study, yongchin teacher was very funny la.
He kept saying Gideon go the si ma lu there sell lor mee.
Then he say what the way Gideon pray
" 亲 爱 的 天 父 上 帝。。。" like very slowly then suddenly.
" 祷告祈求奉告组耶稣的名求 amen " like super fast cause he did not no what to say.
And he linked the both of them together.
After that hsh and had been smsing ziminh for the whole night.
Going swimming later with ShiNing, Ainslyn & WaiXin.
Hope don't rain, pffft :l
Sigh, problems are arousing, all I have to do is pray.
All I have to do, is ask grace from God.
God bless (:
Friday, May 15, 2009

Ziminh, also known as my best friend.
she blan me alot of things today leh, much loves.

Ryan. hehe, Father and Daughter loves :)
He look very gong in this photo. still prefer his ezlink o.o

Lucas, o.o, thanks ryan for the calefare behind, much appreciated :p
And this is like finally a proper shot before lucas snatch my phone and delete photos away.

Megan, she damn pretty in this photo.
Oh, and the all pink her today. Still look good, no worries.

WAIXIN! i think the photo is in her phone. She Sexy right? ;P
Taken on vesak day replenish o.o

Ainslyn, yes i love her alot.
(she did not want to take photo today.)
On the ferris wheel , tuesday 12 May 09.

Adora, limelight of the day o.o
And bestfriend, thanks for all your love.

She is always there when I need worh o.o

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Watching fated to love you .

Its super nice. People who knows me well
knows that I don't like dramas but..
This drama is really touching and I really love it alot.
Look at the pictures, is like so cute right.
Ethan is Hot. QiaoEn is Pretty.
Buying new bag on monday .
I want black cardigan.
Time to scrimp and save with $5.
Happy now.
Bye :D
Tags reply
Adora : Hope you're alright now, reopen your blog la babe <3.
Caleb : YoYohzxs. :P miss you la, do well for your MYE.
Lucas : Your blog's lamer (: Lucas's LAME blog.
Jia An : I love Jia An to the MAX ! woots (:
Yan Ting : Sorry, but I lazy update, will edit it later (: muack babe.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Randomly finding pictures in computer and found this.
Today, had literature test, very hard. Did the last question and wrote for half an hour, a full page. After that went whitesands and had burger king breakfast, sat with JiaAn, Megan and Ainslyn together. Now bankrupt already, time to scrimp and save, starve myself during recess, force myself to keep my money at home.
Then went to Shi Ning's house, o.o was very fun. Went to play blind mice and then slack in the room. Too bad lost my phone, else will post pictures one. Played on the bed, played truth or dare and shared secrets. Then I become very hyper and kept laughing on the bed, laughed with Waixin and Syaiful. Imagine 5 girls and 1 boy on a bed, can imagine right (: Anyway then went to watch wildchild and hsh. Ate instant noodle and chat on msn awhile. I miss my phone very much, I want W595, can buy that phone soon, I think. My mood very weird now, don't know what this feeling is called, perhaps its called hasaless (happy, sad, moodless). K, being lame here sorry. Yay I miss Jiaan love, Ainslyn, Waixin, Ziminh and Adora! Oh and happy birthday claira! Love you sister <3.
Tag more, people. I want reply derh.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird .Weird . Weird . Weird . Weird .
Everytime you walk past the class, I cannot stop staring out.
I cannot forget the other time, we walked together and talk, it was my happiest day.
Alright, its all the past, last long with her.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Earth's sick, Everything is dying soon.
Sighh, I will miss Earth . Anyway hey everybody, how's your sunday (:
Yesterday went to church and study, manage to study for like 2 hours? yay :D
Today went church, my bangs is ugly, don't know why everyone say cute.
Tomorrow is a school day, which means I have to sleep early, :(
Currently in love with Fated to Love You.
Actually last year already watch, but stop for awhile :D
Grrr, brother is pestering me for computer, always like that one.
But I know he's gonna sleep real soon, so yup, bye bye readers. :]
Friday, May 1, 2009
" When you're down, you feel yourself as the littlest on Earth. "
Nothing to post actually, posts getting shorter and shorter /:
I think I changed alot from Primary school to Secondary school.
More dramatic and daring? I'm not sure.
When I was in P6, I was the quiet type, not really but, I don't talk alot.
I sort of only hang out with girls and hardly talks to boys, I mean talk as in have conversation.
Now I'm in Sec 1, I change, I really change. I talk every single day. I hang out with everybody. And I say Hi to everyone my friends know. Then now I talk to Lucas like everyday, eeeeyer, talk until the sun sets and dawn breaks. ;o
Very full now, very very full now, full like I just ate one big bowl of icecream.
NOT mugging for MYE, if I have the capability and the potential, I would be able to do well.
Thats my motto for PSLE :D