Tomorrow is Easter day, well we ought to remember how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I'm very very sad about it when I read the bible and this part in Mark 15:34 it says this, " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Well its sad that Jesus had to take the burden all by himself. God and the Holy Spirit left him, and he was really feeling the pain, and I believe God certainly do not like to see his son being cruxified like that. Well, God is not only God of just, but also God of love, God love us alot, so we have to love him alot too. If you don't believe in God, you would not had mention the word God at all. Trust and Accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, Repent your sins as well. isn't it sad well just some people don't get to know God?
Remember that God is always your loving father. When you have troubles, just say this " God help me" and he will help you. When you are in a danger, just say this " God save me" and he will save you! Well I forgot tomorrow Easter day start at 9am, better get some sleep now! (:
Time Check : 12.04am
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