Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Feel like studying, but tired.
School is getting more and more boring each day.
English class, felt like sleeping.
Stress, top 10 in class, top 20 in level.
Is it possible? Maybe.
I already gave claira a deal I'm going to win her for MYE.
So JiaYou for me (: GOGOGO XENA.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
To all my Secondary 4 beloved Seniors :
These includes Joleen ShihChing Alvin Cassandra Azmeera Sherie SiQing WeiLiang Sabrina Claudia Alexi Jeslyn Liyana.
Seniors, thank you so much for bringing up the band.
Without all of you, we will not have gotten a silver for SYF!
Good luck for all your O levels / N levels .
All of you will be deeply loved and missed by me (:.
Alright, today, sat the very early bus. Schooled whatever.
After school, went to eat pizza, very nice to eat with my lovely seniors.
Band! Gave all my beloved seniors what I made for them.
After band, Cassandra cried, ahhh! Make me cry also.
After Hugging Cassandra to ease her sadness, then.......
went to hug my lovely Joleen, sigh, cried on her shoulder, cried and cried and cried.
Joleen, ShihChing, Cassandra, Claudia! My so beloved seniors.
I will definitely miss you, imagine 19 May you step into the band room and realize..
Everyone that are so close to you is now gone, how will you feel?
Hmmmmm, Got to stop now.
Here Congratulating Dance for Gold. KaiLun and Azlam for Band and Drum Major.
Lovely sec 3 seniors for section leaders!
Alright, bye.
Good Luck for CIO and Choir tomorrow for SYF (:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Went YF yesterday, the topic was about, how to keep your passion for God.
Stone around in church for awhile, then went to eat at henry's house there.
Went to play basketball, but I didn't play, then was fooling around with YY's cam.
The above pic is what i manage to take with my phone, sorry YY.
Actually, there is nothing much to blog about, my life is getting more and more boring.
Precious Precious Precious, you're seriously not at fault .
You're cute, they probably are just making some casual remarks .
Don't take them into your heart k. It just hurts even more .
If there really must be someone to be blame, blame it on me k.
It is me who didn't stop this from coming .
Ziminh is definitely not at fault .
You read from ShiNing's blog,
" Then i was a bit disappointed with Wai Xin & Zi Minh coz they were the ones who started gossiping bout Hazimah but they were also the ones who initiated to patch up with her. "
If they were the ones who started gossiping abt you and initated to patch up.
Then they must had realized that they are wrong to have gossip about you.
Ziminh wants everyone to be together, so is Waixin.
We are all going to be together for these two years .
Are we really falling apart? or is it just transient conflicts ?
Hazimah, forgive and forget k. I believe you're able to do so .
Don't ignore us, will you?
And lastly, I know you did not cry to get sympathy.
what am I suppose to say to you? Dear friend.
I admit at times I really dislike you to the core but.
Recently I've seen a change in your attitude.
You become more caring now but, after reading your blog.
I feel that it was my judgement that was wrong.
Who gave you the permission to call someone else fat pig?
Oh well, I shall stop dwelling about this name calling.
Shining, I guess you really have to apologize to ziminh alright.
She did nothing wrong, she wants both of you to be friends.
Yes, she might had said that hazimah rolled her eyes at her.
But is that gossiping? or is that true fact?
I really don't know what to do now, seriously.
I believe 1/5 is not going to fall apart, at all .
Friday, April 17, 2009
Excellence 1 2008.
It is not the people that I miss. It is that everything seem to end so fast. Its like, I was still watching little nonya with my classmates on november 2008 when suddenly it is April 2009. Really wish I could rewind the memories, I miss all my teachers, very much. Not trying to sound emotional like what Ashley and Louis would say, but well just typing out what I thought.
Sec 4 endorsement day. Oh well, have to prepare tissue papers as the seniors are graduating. Time really flies, its like just yesterday when I first met Joleen and Shih Ching and Alvin and now, everything is going to end. What can I do? Nothing. Just have to get over with them and wait for my time of death. When I will go heaven and meet God! Yay (: Enough of all this, time for some cheery post. Today was well alright, not that bad. Morning, everyone was like practically dead. English went computer lab, mother tongue, boring. just to say I got a 43 over 50 for mother tongue. So lousy ohmyGod. Its only 86! I used to get over 90, results are dropping. Oh well. Everyone are the same, after recess, all of us are very hyper. Mrs Lim was very angry with our hyperness and scolded us for 1 and a half period. But her stories are quite interesting (: I love Mrs Lim.
After School, went out again with Adora, Jiaan, Shining, Waixin, Ziminh, Megan, Lucas, YuJing, Syaiful and Yathong. Went to eat, then went back school. Was cheering precious up, she was so sad ): Fooled around with Lucas and Ziminh, damn fun okay. Is like, I look at Lucas, Lucas look back, we both confirm laugh at each other. Moron, idiot, always laugh at me for what. See my face and laugh straight into it, very funny meh. Right, then went for band. sadded la, today is the second last practice with precious seniors. I really will miss them alot, preparing gifts for the ones i love! :D
Super long post, I shall end this post with.
God is a God of LOVE!
Time check : 10.30 pm
Monday, April 13, 2009
- WongJiaLer. (:
02. Where was your default picture taken?
- Room.
03. Your relationship status?
- I'm Taken.
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
- Yes.
05. What is your current mood?
- Happy, contented.
06. How many siblings do you have?
- Two of them.
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
- KingstonKhoo & SolomonKhoo.
08. Where do you wish you were right now?
- With WJL.
09. Have a crazy side?
- Every moment.
10. Ever had a near death experience?
- Always, lol.
11. Something you do a lot?
- Use the computer.
12. Angry at anyone?
- Nope.
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
- I don't like anyone (:
14. When was the last time you cried?
- 2nd April
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
- Yes.
16. What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
- Everything.
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- Adora.
18. What is your favorite song?
- In the winter of 1730.
19. What are you doing right now?
- Doing this.
20. Who do you trust right now?
- Bestfriend and JiaLer.
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
- Aunty!
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
- Nope.
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
- JiaHui and AlanCao.
24. Describe your life in one word?
- Blissful.
25. Who are you thinking of right now?
- ♥ WongJiaLer.
1. WongJiaLer.
2. AdoraYuen.
3. TanZiminh.
4. LucasWee.
5. LeeJiaAn.
6. Khairunnisa.
7. Siti Hazimah.
8. LeeHongYing.
9. KohYiLe.
10. WooYiYing.
1. How did you meet 4? (LucasWee)
Well He sits behind me during lessons.
2. Do yo have a crush on anyone up there?
Nah, (:
3. What would you feel if you hadn't met number 1? (WongJiaLer)
I won't have anyone to love then.
4.What would you do if 6 and 2 were going out? (Khairunnisa and AdoraYuen)
Well, I'm not very sure about that.
5. How did you meet number 8? (LeeHongYing)
Through GOD! My sister in church.
6. Is 2 one of your best friends? (AdoraYuen)
She is my bestfriend.
7.whos no. 9's bestfriend(s)? (KohYiLe)
TayKaiYun? :)
8.have you ever dated no.1? (WongJiaLer)
Date? Laughs, my baby leh.
9. what do u think of number 6? (Khairunnisa)
She's very beautiful and sweet.
10. Do you love number 1? (WongJiaLer)
Yes, I love WongJiaLer alot.
11. What can you say about no. 5? (LeeJiaAn)
Beautiful and smart, lovely and caring.
12. Describe number 10. (WooYiYing)
She is my very beloved sister in Christ!
13. What is your relationship with number 3? (TanZiMinh)
My bestfriend.
14. Describe number 7. (SitiHazimah)
Great sense of humor and laugh alot.
Well guess I was bored, haha.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tomorrow is Easter day, well we ought to remember how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I'm very very sad about it when I read the bible and this part in Mark 15:34 it says this, " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Well its sad that Jesus had to take the burden all by himself. God and the Holy Spirit left him, and he was really feeling the pain, and I believe God certainly do not like to see his son being cruxified like that. Well, God is not only God of just, but also God of love, God love us alot, so we have to love him alot too. If you don't believe in God, you would not had mention the word God at all. Trust and Accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, Repent your sins as well. isn't it sad well just some people don't get to know God?
Remember that God is always your loving father. When you have troubles, just say this " God help me" and he will help you. When you are in a danger, just say this " God save me" and he will save you! Well I forgot tomorrow Easter day start at 9am, better get some sleep now! (:
Time Check : 12.04am
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Actually, I don't think anyone even bother to care or what.
k, so monday, speech day rehearsal again.
tuesday, band, once SC, J, A leave, main cornet only left 3..
What is this manzx.
k, i'm so pissed off with this woman.
what silver only, so what if your school is GWH, primary school standard only?
Talk until you very pro like that hor, claps claps.
Lessons are boring nowadays.
Lucas changed sit with Sarah so he is sitting behind me now.
english lesson yesterday, copy the summary thing, but all along was talking.
Then Ziminh said a joke then everyone laughed.
Shining turn behind and like " what's your problem "
She was referring to the whole group of people behind.
Perhaps she's jealous she can't laugh with us, o.o
And Claira and Matthew.. Okay whatever, shall end now.
Speech day later, hahs, hope rain but i think its impossible.
Wong Jia Ler ♥
Monday, April 6, 2009
Everything, then went to give flyers.
k, walked the whole block with joseph, lol
Got this dog, but the door was close leh.
Come bark bark at me, o.o then i scared until jump.
Then Joseph was laughing then he put the flyer on the gate there.
The dog also bark bark bark.
Lol then we flee from that horrible place.
k, then got this old man, tall tall, never wear shirt watching indian channel.
Looking at me, like I some monster like that o.o
So Joseph and me fleed from that place also.
Today go school, er, okays ahhs.
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009
Miss the first and second and third bus again.
k, wasted 1 hour of my life in th hall just now.
Nevermind at least no need go english.
Chinese test, its easy ah, hope get higher than 40, possible?
Haha, today the band like more than school time.
2.30 - 7, wtf, sigh, so bored and tiring.
Speech day preview only ma, so sickening for what.
k just now go see the saxophone strap then hang on Nixon.
I help him okay, but i don't see the reason why he took it off again.
Perhaps he drinking bahs.
k then Nazir and Alvin was talking about something sick.
Nazir : u noe how to play piano with ur fingers and ur tongue.
Alvin : " demonstrates "
Me : Lol, Piano key where got so big.
Nazir : " o.o " then make the hole smaller la.
Alvin : Hole? Hole?
Nazir : I mean the key.
Me : Stare at them and lmao.
Then some procedures lor.
Lol is Alvin set der, what wave wave.
k, tomorrow have no band, kind of will miss it.
Fiero, i'm sure i can master you (:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
JunYuan Secondary : COP.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I seem to be posting everyday. Alright Xena, you gotta stop :).
Anyway today was so fun? I'm not emo today :P
CME, my so clever group leader suggested that we can do a unique snail.
Snail plus Turtle :D
before you all start guessing, my group leader is ZiQuan.
Okay, stop thinking him as an irresponsible man.
He is very NICE and gives GOOD comments and suggestion.
And I MEAN it :)
Recess, help papa massage, then he was ouching all the way. Poor daddy :(
i keep on : " 辛苦了一天,我们来舒展舒展胫骨"
Sound sick but who cares (:
Science test was bad , last 10 minutes scribbling my answers all the way.
After school, went home with the usual ppl.
Lucas, Ziminh and Adora.
Bought icecream, Lucas was crazy.
Almost castrated him and he almost became an eunuch
okay whatever, sat bus 17 and Lucas kept pestering Ziminh go T'mart.
Reached their, okay this is weird but.
while i was tying my shoelace infront of lucas.
Lucas was not facing me but facing the side.
Then i tie halfway, he suddenly spray all his water out and then started laughing like crazy.
at that instance i felt like asking him if he was mad or what.
Lucas kept saying he very hyper.
then he walk walk walk and started spitting water out everywhere.
there's this one he spit abit at ziminh and ziminh spit the whole thing on him.
Some time after or before that Adora fell into a drain O.O
Like my last time like that , one leg in and suddenly grew shorter.
Ziminh's say maybe she bad mouth bahs.
Then bought bubble tea , and went to " lala " land.
O.O when walking there, lucas was controlling his water in his mouth.
I think ziminh said a joke and lucas spit the whole thing out on ziminh's face ( + hair )
o.o was laughing at that instance damn loud.
I also fell down at the plant place there o.o
That stupid Lucas go pull the string down, causing me to fall.
I think my hand poke into some thing ahh. Could felt the pain.
k then adora went back qiaonan with me. :P
then ziminh and lucas waited for each other :D
then saw fazlina in the band !! =)
talked about alot of things.
tomorrow is SYF. omg.
I still miss 08 April 2008.
My first SYF .
I miss Mr Goh, Mr Chong, Mr Aw, Mdm Lau, Miss Berlinda Ng.
Actually, i miss everyone in Qiaonan Primary.
SYF , what will we get? SILVER !
k thnks bye.