Be one that God loves.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to the world. That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
A few things happened which I need to write today.
Didn't get to be a councilor, but who cares. I'm sure God chooses the best for me =)
ZiQuan is my CME group leader! Has been pestering him about it, Lol.
Today on the bus.. Long story, but its super funny, fall back from the bus and landed on Ainslyn's back.. Sorry Ainslyn and Hazimah !
Nazir was super funny, he was smsing someone and instead of what time? he wrote what time uh. He delete the ? and added uh, was laughing all the way as it sounds sick.
Walk walk walk on the grass and was bullying Lucas Wee, then stop, I got a feeling something is gonna happen. Then walk again, poof, one leg landed in the grass hole, Lucas cannot stop laughing, HE IS A GUY WITH PERMED BANGS.
I got my band uniform, so cool omg (;
but with the white coat it is NOT NICE.
And that Nixon Lee is retarded to say my blogskin is not nice.
Homeworks, wash shoes, whatever.
o2Jam time! haha. Considering next wednesday going back QNPS band to ask Mr Chong or Mr Goh for advice on my pieces. Mr Aw also can =) Miss them more than alot..
6 More Days.
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