Okay, I'm back to blogger, feels a little new towards this, but who cares. Anyway, I should be coming back to blog regularly, since there ain't much people I can share my feelings with. Today marks the end of term 3, how time flies, it is going to be 2011 real soon.
Should I share my heartfelt feeling about this year? Seriously, this year, I've learnt a lot, from people around me, from God, from every little things that I took for granted, from you ♥ I've learnt that, we must cherish things and never, ever take things for granted, never wait till the "right time" because by then your chance would have been gone already. I've learnt that, we must accept people for who they are because sometimes these are just human nature, no point pin pointing on other's flaws because you're not perfect yourself. I've also learnt that, people that are around you when you need them the most, are those that will be around you no matter what.
Band was fine today, Mr Goh was being funny for saying "Faster lah, just sign la". Because we were trying our best to hide from him while writing the teachers' day card and he just let the cat out of the bag like that, we practically laughed our ass off when he said that, funny indeed. Well, I feel a need to add songs to my blog, if not, it will be boring and then it will just die. And also pictures, but where do I find them? hmmmm..
Oh well, I guess sometimes we just have to move on with life, even though the person you wish to be around with right now is not with you, just continue living. Enjoy every second, because once it's gone, it's gone. I'll keep my memories with you in my heart, sscp, now I really have to let you go and move on, because this is life. Hopefully, I'll be in your memories forever, ♥