Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sorry God, I neglected you always.
Hello. Went to church today. Was awesome.
Due to my flu was unable to concentrate during sermon.
Sorry God...
Anyway today's topic was Jesus's second return to Earth
We should EVANGELIZE to the non believers!
Even if they refuse to come we should keep trying.
Tell them how they will suffer from the 7 years of mishap.
I pray that God will give me wisdom to evangelize to people.
and that the Holy Spirit will touch my heart,
that when i'm evangelizing, it is not me but the Holy Spirit working.
I pray that the people would also understand what I'm saying.
I pray that Macedonia YF will grow even bigger in size and spiritually.
God.. You're always here for me
When I need you, you always helped me.
You always comforted me.
but when I don't need you, I dumped you aside
I know how you feel.. Sorry GOD.
I pray that I'll not neglect God easily. :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hello :)
Just came back from Sarah's house.
Went to band before that.
Did some drills. hehehe.
Band was ok, but Nazir was not here :(
Who cares. Slept at Sarah's house.
Cause I really sleepy
Then they say I sleep like Zombie Lol.
Going church after this.
Movie marathon cum youth fellowship.
Ton-ing there also :D
Can't waitt.
Seeeeee yaaa. :D
Friday, November 13, 2009
Guitar.. At least I passed yeahh? haha.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Lols, Lame -.-
Guitar, training, waited for Ryan & Ains.
Reached home quite super late LOL.
Tuesday was nice too.
Lunch with Amanda, Jodie and jamie.
Band, drills, practice and practice.
Nazir was irritating yet funny lah :)
Went dinner with.. Shane and Donavon.
They keep asking me things.
Then what Bobo, Jonathan, what the hell.
Today was.. ok, not as fun though.
Except for the lunch & slacking part.
It was quite fun hehehehe :)
Fencing was also nice as coach let us play dodge ball.
So yeah, overall it was ok la.
Except for what birthday bash.
I don't really care, not really surprising.
Look forward to tomorrow's band.
Especially if we can do drills again :)
I wanna meet up with Jasmine & Gans ^^
Right.. Nights loved ones, God bless (:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"You got me hypnotised, so mesmerised"
Today missing guitar lesson,
band and NYAA fencing training :(
So sad laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Currently still at genting
Paying $7.50 for the comp here.
Really should cherish singapore's lan shop
Hahahha, this year's trip was unusually boring.
And somehow i missed my brothers.
Hahahah, they will be honoured to see this k!
I miss everyone in SG, haha.
Can only play until 1+ hahah so sian.
Wonder how are they in school..
Wonder how's he..
Wonder how are my brothers.
Hehehe, first time missing them k!
I wish i'm in sg now. haha :)
then at least no need to pay so much.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
currently at genting's cyber cafe or whatever u call that.
yesterday's bus ride was omfgzxcs -.-
couldn't sleep at all, only a bit :(
and to whoever who wished me happy birthday ytd,
thanks :D though not a lot but i really appreciate it.
I would better go do some other things rather than waste time here.
So farewell yeah :)
Miss me for the next 3 days ! ^^
And I'll miss you.. :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Yesterday went to the band concert by sws youth winds.
It was so cool, with the animation! haha.
But kinda sad not going with clique.
But nevertheless, i did not regret going to watch the concert! haha.
The trumpet players can really project their sound.
For a very long time! what an inspiration. haha!
ok.. enough of that, so I missed yf, I missed clique outing ytd.
But overall, the concert was good la. :)
And the usual price was $12 i only had to pay $4.80.
Later going to meet Haoshan sis for lunch.
Then go church for service :)
Tomorrow will be going genting.
woooooooooooohoooooooooooo. SO FAST!
hahahaha.. ok im going crazy.
Well, I have alot of programmes during holiday sia.
So sian .. like that still call holiday.
basic fencing programme,
basic guitar lessons,
gamilan music festival.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hello Hello :)
the day started off well .. haha slacky.
then PE was super boring la. watch video
Recess was.. ok i didn't know
how the hack i landed with Lucas and Claira :)
Someone's phone got caught by Mrs Sheri.
After that.. chinese, bored until sleep.
During maths, did something lame with Vanessa the lamer.
Then english, I swear it was HACKING boring k.
Cause Miss Kamath was absent, and I didn't feel like talking.
So just lame around with Idris the lamer.
Aft sch, went to swimming.
Played monkey with Yathong and syaiful
yathong always become monkey.. haha
So cute :)
Currently missing someone, wanna hear his voice :(
Byebye :D
I love Nghaoshan, kohyile, leehongying, wooyiying, eudoratan, ivylai, jessicakoh, tanziminh, ainslynlim, jodieong, sitihazimah!
Sunday, October 25, 2009

2008 YF Camp :)
My comp's being a bitch.
Today was fun!!
Met Haoshan and headed to church.
I didn't know if it was my optical illusion or what
but i think i saw him in the car.
church was fun.
Bible study, had alot of ppl.
about 9 or 10.
So unusual. Haha.
Currently talking to Jodie
I'm bored :(
I love Ng Hao Shan!
Hao Shan Sis!!
Who do you sit next to in your English class?
Are you generally a happy person?
Of course! :)
Who's in your profile picture with you?
Facebook : Ryan.
What colour shirt are you wearing?
Where will you be in a hour?
Who was the first person you talked to today?
How's your heart been lately?
Feeling awesome !
When did you last smile?
Now :)
How do you feel right now?
Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Are you good at making new friends?
Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Are you wearing makeup?
Will this Sunday be a good one?
Yes. With God around, everyday's good. :)
When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Just.. about the HAI MIAN BAO BAO!
If you could move to Africa would you?
Spread the gospel? yeah :)
What does your 3rd recent text say?
O. He become very scary. Tink of such tings.
Are promises important to you?
Anyone of the opposite sex been on your mind lately?
Someone knocks on your window at 2 am, what do you say?
Don't want , don't want icecream or policies.
Will you be in a relationship next month?
Do you love anyone right now?
Yeahh, God, church bro and sis.. :)
What is your favorite number?
Would you consider having that many kids?
Yeah why not :)
Do you ever write notes on your hand?
When i really need to remember things.
Are you violent?
I'm gentle
Were you ever teacher's pet?
Nope ;)
Can you vote next election?
Do you crack your knuckles and back?
No my dear (:
What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
Polishing my nails lol.
What smiley represents how your day was?
Do you prefer fast paced dancing or slow dancing?
Slow.. Romantic hehe.
Do you make excuses often?
Do you hold your breath when you pass a cemetery?
No why should I?
Is there someone you will never forgive?
Forgive man when they sin against you like how your Father forgave you :)
Do you know someone in jail?
No I don't
What were you doing at 2:00pm Today?
Rushing for YF.
What are your LEGAL initials?
Do you use chap stick?
What the heck is that.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yeah.. I guess (:
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No.. Or maybe yes. i don't know la xD
Tag 15 People who you want to do this Quiz
1. Hong Ying
2. Hao Shan
3. Yi Le
4. Yi Ying
5. Ainslyn
6. Jodie
7. Jamie
8. Zi Minh
9. Jia Hui
10. Mel Tai
11. Fazlina
12. Khairunisaa
13. Hazimah
14. Corine
15. Claira
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Life's good with the new gay phone. :)
At least the buttons are nicer to press.
Today.. School's fine, slack alot also.
Chinese went to watch mulan.
Lol :) I thought I watch before.
I'm not too sure, hehehe (:
Idris very irritating!! Haha.
But at least its better than nothing.
How boring will my life be if...
There is no vanessa, idris or azfizan.
haha, love 1/5!
Alright, got to go now :)
God bless you readers.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Some best friends I love dearly in PRCS.
Putting up great friend's photos.
Scram if you don't like us! :D
Hello Hello ^^.
School's fine, ytd talk to somebody
on the phone till like 12am.
Then this morning couldn't wake up, Lol.
Met Ziminh on the bus.
In school, was like playing
w Idris, Vanessa & YuJing the whole day.
Damn slack haha, but fun.
Azfizan is being a retarded in saying
"Idris, you and xena get along very well"
No way, I love to bully Idris :D
Then during recess.. Emoemo, whatever.
Aft sch, went ShiNing's house, then go TM.
Had lots of fun today. :)
And I'm officially not thinking of you anymore..
i think..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Elvin says we look like sisters ^^
Saturday went to Ivy's house thr der basketball court.
Then played basketball with
Henry, Ivy, Elvin, Dora and Gary.
At the end, Henry threw the ball and it hit my face.
My specs scratched my skin. Lol (:
Now like damn ugly lor. thanks ah Henry.
Sunday was kinda late for church.
Then after that yc teacher was saying
"if you don't act when u come to church, then u have no holy spirit"
what he mean is, if you are not really that good outside
but you act in church as a nice person.
Then at least u bother to act and u have holy spirit.
but if you do not act, you have no holy spirit.
yeahhhhhhhhhh, i have holy spirit!
Cause I'm evil muahahahahahah :)
then after that Louis & Rammel pangseh.
So went dinner with church mates (:
Then went to Ivy's house.
Almost died of boredom there o.o
I guess i should really create a private blog :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
- Badminton everyday(LOL).
- Start worrying if I'll go sec 2.
- Outwith j m c/clique/58227.
- Swimming? heeeeeeeeeeee.
- Rent DVD to watch t home.
- Cycling's the hottest.
Yeah so thats about all.
But we can all do that only aft exams yeah?
Heeee. Holidays I wanna paint my nails!
I wanna dye my hair (most unlikely)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
As you can see , I reminisce band more than anyth else.
I seriously miss those days when we had
so much fun and laughter together.
Now its all over, and it can't happen again.
Seriously... I don't mean to say all these mushy things but
I really deeply truly madly love QNPS band alot.
Many knew I cried when they attained a bronze award for SYF 08.
I am still very happy and encouraged
to see my juniors working hard for next year.
Though there are many new comers whom I don't know.
I will remain my memories for the band from 2006 - 2008.
it will never collect dust in my brain (:
Went to church today and got harassed by sarah.
I really regretted not fill in the blanks
Cause there were like so many people and all.
Nevermind, next time k. ^^
Really hope we can walk together openly.
And I won't have to ask
"Am I suppose to walk behind you" anymore.
Haha, tomorrow maths and I've not prepared anyth.
Who cares (:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
then today, in class with Jamie for like 2 hours.
In the end they never wait for me.
They very good, lor (: yup yup. haha (:
Tomorrow english EOY. yay ^^
this means that holidays are coming!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Today was alright, woke up by lucas's sms.
Went to church, before that something happened.
Thank God and you for being beside me (:
YF was fine, was late cause of that thing.
But however, i still learned something yeah ^^v.
They went to 18 Chefs to eat.
Came home and then went to eat dinner.
Mom nagged in my face cause of my spoilt bag.
Then cause i was using my phone while walking.
Never mind even though i was a lil irritated (:
Currently talking to Lucas about hot girls.
hahaha :D
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hello , Yesterday was fun! (:
Anyway need to go church soon.
Just a short update about my new blogskin.
Spent like two to three days doing it.
Had been really crazy these few days (:
_____ is being a retard for doing those things.
Anyway went to watch Spirited Away with Jamie and Sarah on friday.
It was so touching ): but it reminds me of my pri school band (:
Those days were the best, because it gives great memories.
What should I eat for lunch? ..
Lol, anyway I have to go now :D
Byebye beloved!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Except for Ryan's due to the fact that he is the Male lead actor.
Viewers discretion is adviced.
Ryan started stripping infront of blossom.
Blossom did not knew what she was doing.
Bubbles saw what Ryan was doing and bite him.
Ryan continued his evil doings by asking blossom to draw R'rated on his forearm
Clearer view.
Proof that it is Ryan's (had a hard time taking it)
his next 2 victims marykate and ashley.
He was deprived of love.
And asked little innocent bubbles to flirt with him.